Planning to Grow Cereals 2024

  • December 4 2023
    7:30pm - 9:00pm
Book event

This event provides growers with an opportunity to get a brief update on crop trials from 2023 carried out by Neil Havis and his team of SRUC crop researchers, along with an update on spring cereal variety recommendations for 2024 from Steve Hoad (SRUC agronomy researcher) who is part of the team that selects varieties for the Scottish Cereal Recommended List.

Henry Creissan (one of SRUC’s crop researchers) will also be talking about his recent plant health & IPM survey that he has been completing gauging farmers opinions on use of IPM.

Peter Lindsay (SAC Consulting Principal Consultant) will also be giving an update on the lessons learnt from the Angus Regenerative Farming group, highlighting the arable farming practices that are being adopted more widely.

Come and be a part of the meeting and use the opportunity to ask questions to leading specialists within SRUC and SAC Consulting.
BASIS & NRoSO points applied for.

If you have any queries about the event, please telephone 01467 625385 or email