Agri Culture – Cathy Magee: Delving into Dyslexia
In this episode, Mary-Jane Lawrie is joined by Cathy Magee from Dyslexia Scotland.
Cathy Magee is the chief executive of Dyslexia Scotland. We talked about what dyslexia is, how it can affect you, and how to go about getting an assessment. Dyslexia Scotland have a range of resources available to support people with dyslexia. Cathy also tells us about the technologies and adaptations that might be helpful for people with dyslexia. RSABI have partnered with Dyslexia Scotland to offer free dyslexia assessments to farmers and crofters. We also talked about the ways that dyslexia might make some aspects of farming challenging but also has some benefits in the way that people think and work in different ways.
To arrange a free assessment, which typically costs around £500, people involved in farming or crofting in Scotland should contact RSABI’s 24-hour freephone helpline – 0808 1234 555.
Dyslexia Scotland Helpline: 0344 800 84 84
Assessing dyslexia in adults (
Library | Dyslexia Scotland – Dyslexia Scotland
Post-assessment pack for adults | Dyslexia Scotland -Dyslexia Scotland
Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is – GOV.UK (
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