Thrill of the Hill – First Aid on Farm with Sean Magee
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
We’re all human, fragile and fallible, accidents can occur and mistakes can be made, people can be in danger, get hurt and when that happens, be in need of first aid. The National Farmers Union reports that despite accounting for only 1% of the working population, agriculture accounts for 20% of all deaths in the workplace. In this episode, qualified First Aid Trainer and practitioner, Sean Magee discusses the importance of first aid in the farm and rural environment, including what information to provide to emergency services and the processes of seeking help, how to assess the requirements of a casualty and top tips for dealing with agricultural related incidents when they occur.
If you want to get in touch with Sean, he can be contacted at CPS Activities Ltd via email at
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