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Pest Control in Vegetables & Forage Brassicas – July 2020

20 July 2020

There has been a notable increase in cabbage root fly egg-laying over the last week, indicating the start of the second generation of cabbage root fly.

The numbers of Diamondback moth captures in pheromone traps have been reducing in monitored crops, indicating the end of the first generation. However, the caterpillars from this cohort of moths will be developing on crops and emerge as second-generation moths in the next few weeks, so look for caterpillars on crops and consider an insecticide treatment where found. Note that diamondback moths are capable of laying eggs through some types of mesh or if the mesh is damaged or stretched (as can cabbage root fly).

As always, please seek suitable pesticide guidance from your local agricultural advisor or agronomist and check product labels for specific crop approvals; also check for crop-specific EAMU’s for these and other insecticides.

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