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FAS Newsletters

FAS produces a range of newsletters providing regular updates on a variety of topics. You can subscribe to them all below.

FAS Newsletter

Latest News

Our monthly newsletter provides a round up our latest news, events and publications along with advice on how to improve your croft or farm's profitability and sustainability.

Agribusiness News


Agribusiness News provides up-to-date market and policy intelligence for farmers and other rural professionals each month.

Milk Manager News


Bi-monthly updates on milk production, market trends and commodity prices. There are also updates on cereal markets and other straights relating to feed prices, along with articles on key technical and business issues.

Farm Woodland News


Receive quarterly information and advice on making the most of woodlands as part of the farm business. From woodland creation to management and harvesting, along with forestry news, and updates on the Forestry Grant Scheme and the timber market.

Crops & Soils Bulletin

A piece of paper saying 'latest news'

A monthly update on the trends and challenges facing arable farmers in Scotland. Supported by SRUC research and trials to bring you up-to-date information that will benefit your business.

Next Generation News


Updates twice a year to inform the next generation of farmers, crofters and other rural professionals. For those looking to develop their skills as they develop their business and understanding of Scottish Agriculture.

Sign up to the FAS newsletter

Receive updates on news, events and publications from Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service