Forestry Grant Scheme
Forestry and farm woodlands in Scotland are financially supported by the Forestry Grant Scheme, administered by Scottish Forestry.
Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use.
As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change and providing timber for industry, our forests enhance and protect the environment and provide opportunities for public enjoyment.
The Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) supports
- the creation of new woodlands – contributing towards the Scottish Government target of 10,000 hectares of new woodlands per year, rising to 15,000 hectares by 2014/25.
- the sustainable management of existing woodlands
During the Scottish Rural Development Programme 2014–2020, £252 million will be available through this scheme.
You can apply for support under eight categories:
- Agroforestry. This supports low-density planting of productive species on grazing land
- Woodland Creation. Forestry Commission Scotland hopes that about 60-70% of new planting will be of productive woodlands, either of conifers or broadleaves and a higher rate of grant will be paid where these woods are in designated ‘preferred areas’. There are capital payments for planting, fencing, tree shelters and bracken control if needed, together with an annual maintenance payment claimed on your SAF. You can claim Basic Payment on land planted up under the Scheme for twenty years.
- Forest Infrastructure. This targeted at small or isolated woodlands and supports forest road construction, stacking or turning areas and bellmouths.
- Woodland Improvement Grant. This aims to support forest management, activity to enhance the environment and the public’s enjoyment of existing woodlands.
- Planning: this covers
- Long Term Forest Plans
- Forest Plan Renewal
- Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) Urban Woodland Management Plan
- Woodland Grazing Plans
- Deer Management Planso
- Habitats and Species
- Restructuring Regeneration
- Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS)
- Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT)
- Planning: this covers
- Sustainable Management Of Forests. There are nine options in this category. These aim to support the management of existing forests and woodlands with a high environmental value.
- Native Woodlands
- Livestock Exclusiono Woodland Grazing
- Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS)
- Public Access WIAT
- Public Access Rural Woodso Species Conservation: this option has three sub-options
- Grey Squirrel Control
- Predator Control for Capercaillie and Black Grouse
- Reducing Deer Impact
- Tree Health. This grant is available for agent services, sanitation felling and replanting. This is particularly aimed at woodlands that have suffered the loss of larch due to Phytopthora ramorum (red-band needle blight) in pine.
- Harvesting And Processing. These are also targeted at smaller woodlands and contribute towards the cost of equipment for harvesting in small or under-managed woods and enabling localised value-added processing operations at a non-industrial scale. Find out more in our Information Note: Diversifying with Forestry Machinery
- Forestry Co-Operation. This grant supports the cost of feasibility studies and project consolidation for co-operative activities. Forestry Commission Scotland is keen to support collaborative working as a way of helping to bring small and undermanaged woodlands into production
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