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Personal resilience, Day 13 – 18th of March 2020

Welcome to day 13 of our resilience campaign.

The Coronavirus situation is changing on a daily basis and many of us are feeling worried and anxious about what lies ahead.  We plan to continue with our month of personal resilience, and hope that the emails give you something to focus on to help build your resilience, particularly if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Today’s email about mindfulness will help you to take time out and ease some of the anxiety and stress that you may be feeling at this time.


Can you believe that we are half way through March already?  Time being perceived to be passing extraordinarily quickly is often considered to be a symptom of how busy we are.  That level of activity and focus upon getting things done limits our opportunity to pause, enjoy and appreciate what we have and what’s around us.

There is a growing understanding of the benefits of mindfulness.  It has many positive benefits, including lowering stress levels, reducing harmful ruminating, and protecting against depression and anxiety.  Research even suggests that mindfulness can help people better cope with rejection and social isolation.

But what is mindfulness?

At its simplest level it is a state of active, open attention to the present.  This state encompasses observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad.

We all have the ability to be mindful.  It starts by finding a quiet space, taking deep breaths and focussing upon our breathing.  This serves to quieten our mind.  It is natural for our thinking to be distracted and when we become aware of this bring our focus back to our breath.

Dr Rangan Chatterjee produces one of many great podcasts on topics that support health and wellbeing. This is a link to a conversation that he had with Co-Founder of the app and book; Calm. Well worth listening to.

Many people who practice mindfulness describe it as life changing.  If you struggle with knowing where to start, it might be worth downloading an app, such as Calm, to help guide you.  Or perhaps take time outside to stand still for a few minutes and really notice your surroundings; the sounds you can hear, the sensations of the wind in your hair and your feet on the ground, and focus on how you feel.  Farmers are outside a lot of the day and often we are rushing from one job to the next, but taking time out to be still and take notice can help calm a busy mind.  Can you spare 5 minutes per day to be mindful and find your calm?


If any of these emails or exercises have affected you and you feel you would like to speak to someone, support is available through RSABI.  You can call them on 0300 111 4166.  Their helpline is open from 7am to 11pm all year.

These resources have been developed by Kim Walker of Advance Consultancy for the Farm Advisory Service.

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