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Integrated Land Management Plan Form

Please read the scheme rules and procedures before applying for an Integrated Land Management Plan. If upon consideration of this document you would like to go ahead with an application please complete this form.

  • Section 1: Business Details.

  • (e.g. limited company/sole trader/partnership. If other, please specify)
  • From the 4th July 2024 a farm or croft is now eligible to apply for a subsequent Integrated Land Management Plan in addition to one previously completed before this date. (Please select appropriate option below)
  • To qualify for the New Entrant ILMP support you must be a new entrant to farming, farmers or crofters who have been head of an agricultural business for up to five years. (Please select appropriate option below if applicable)

  • Section 2: Declaration

    • I have read the scheme rules and procedures and agree to abide by the scheme rules.
    • The answers given in this form are correct and I accept full responsibility for them.
    • I accept that making a false or misleading statement, which leads to a fraudulent claim may result in this grant being refused or reclaimed from my adviser.
    • I confirm that I am authorised to make this application on behalf of the business detailed in Section 1.
  • Information that you share with us will be used only in the delivery of the Farm Advisory Service by Ricardo Energy and Environment, SAC Consulting, the FBAASS adviser you have selected and the Scottish Government. Further information on how we look after your information can be found at or in hard copy from your local Scottish Government Area Office.
  • Click here to print the form
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.