An introduction to Bogindollo Farm
Bogindollo Farm is a mixed arable and suckler cow unit, run by Euan Crichton. The arable rotation includes winter and spring barley, spring oats, winter wheat, and winter oilseed rape. The business also lets out land for potatoes on a seasonal basis. The farm has a herd of 130 suckler cows and followers which are grazed on permanent grassland, with all progeny finished.
All farmyard manure (FYM) is spread back on the arable fields in order to increase the organic matter (OM) content from its current average of 4.19%.
The farm has a mix of soils, including humus iron podzols from the Forfar series, brown forest soils from the Balrownie series, and a strip of Alluvial soil next to the river. The soil pH ranges from 5.7 to 6.6, with a range of moderate to low phosphate and potash. Interestingly, several fields were identified as having low boron levels. The farm has an average rainfall of 790mm, an average annual temperature of 12°C and lies within the Strathmore, Fife and Angus Nitrate Vulnerable Zone.

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