The Benefits Of Bats On Farmland


If you’re a farmer interested in improving the biodiversity on your farm, bats can serve as an important indicator that things are heading in the right direction and are used as a part of insect pest control throughout Europe. This event, hosted at Culzean Castle, will be of particular interest to farmers pursuing AECS funding.

Delivered with farmers and agriculture in mind, this event will outline what the presence of bats tells you about your current biodiversity efforts, what buildings and trees in your farm are most attractive to them, and some of the benefits that bats themselves can have on your environment and agricultural business.

Bats in Scotland are an endangered species, and this is a great opportunity to improve the biodiversity on your farmland while also helping preserve Scottish wildlife. There will also be the opportunity to learn how to identify different species of bat on the day, so you can better understand what you have on your farm and what their presence means.

Food & drink will be served on the evening so please book on for catering purposes.

Related Resources

Making a Home for Bats on Your Croft | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (