Virtual Fencing Collars, Crops & Costs

Book event

Controlling input costs in suckler herds now more than ever is essential for developing a profitable system and the use of new technology has been helping some farms to do this. Come along on Wednesday the 13th of December at 10:30am to Maxwelston Farm, Daily, Girvan to see how David Whiteford uses GPS collars to implement an outwintering system for his suckler herd on deferred grass as well as strip grazing of forage crops. You will get a chance to see virtual fencing in practice on deferred grass on the hill and strip grazing of Kale and Fodder Beet. SAC Consultants Robert Ramsay and Beth Errington will discuss and compare the costs associated with various wintering methods for cattle used in the South West.

External Materials:

Related FAS Materials:

There’s More Than One Way to Fence in Livestock!

Podcast: The Thrill of The Hill – Virtual Fencing

Virtual Fencing

Setting up Deferred Cattle Grazing

Utilising Deferred Cattle Grazing

Forage Crops