Crofting Sheep – Lambing Preparation and Practice

Book event

Whether you are a complete beginner at lambing, have some practice, or an old hand, there is something for everyone in this event and of course, it works better when everyone shares experience and hints and tips.

This Preparation for lambing course will cover:

  • Nutrition
  • Vet care at lambing – lambs
  • Vet care at lambing – ewes
  • The orphan lamb
  • Welfare code
  • Practical sessions

We will do a mix of some theory and some practical hands-on sessions. We cover preparation from before lambing through to care of the new-born lamb and post-parturient ewe. You will probably get cold and perhaps a bit wet, so correct clothing is advised.

Note that we are using lambs with unknown histories so hygiene is very important. By the end, you will feel much more confident about what you can tackle, and when to call the vet.

You will be able to tell front from back legs. You will know how to safely castrate, dock and give lifesaving intraperitoneal injections. You will know how to get the nutrition correct up to lambing and in lactation. You will understand the importance of colostrum and how to prevent and treat diseases.

The event starts at 11am at Dornie hall, moving to a shed at Morvich after lunch. Bring warm clothes and waterproofs.

Booking is required.