Farm-Scale Renewables: The what, the why, the how – Kinross

Book event

Join us at Mawmill Farm Kinross to hear from the Black family about how they have integrated various forms of renewable energy into their farming system. We will see and hear about how they utilise a ground-source heat pump to dry grain and heat sheds whilst at the same time cooling the coldstores. A biomass boiler is used to dry grain and paper bedding products whilst solar energy is harnessed to offset the costs of bought-in electricity. The Black’s energy consultant will be on hand to discuss the various systems and demonstrate the latest solar battery technology. John Seed of Woodend Farm Duns will be on hand to describe his journey through renewables and how he has successfully integrated the new technologies into his various farming enterprises. Our day will begin at Mawmill followed by presentations and discussions at the Green Hotel Kinross. (Lunch will be provided).
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