Integrating Trees Network: Thinking About Agroforestry? Silvopastural & Silvoarable Systems

  • February 20 2024
    7:00pm - 8:15pm
Book event

Then ITN have the event for ewe. Join ITN for this opportunity to hear from agroforestry expert Stephen Briggs, Abacus Agriculture/Whitehall Farm about the basics of agroforestry systems and why and how they might work for you. Along with hearing from Roger Howison at Parkhill Farm about his hugely successful silvoarable system. ITN will discuss location, design, species choice, ongoing management to meet your objectives. ITN are keen to get your questions answered, so what do you want to know? Just drop ITN an email. They will have staff from Scottish Forestry joining. Find out about the Network, its hosts and useful info here.