QMS Banff & Buchan Monitor Farm Summer Open Day 2024


Bruce Irvine, the Banff & Buchan Monitor Farm is discovering the benefits of planning to drive profitability; at Sauchentree it’s a combination of improved outputs that comes from being prepared and from planning inputs more precisely.

Professor John Gilliland is the keynote speaker. He’ll explore the opportunities for a mixed enterprise farm in Scotland to tackle the Net Zero Challenge. He’ll follow up his talk with small group discussions on the farm.

Aidan Monaghan, Omnia/Hutchinsons will show detailed soil analysis and the consequences for targeted nutrient applications at Sauchentree

Steve Elton, Scottish Forestry will highlight woodland options with costs and benefits in a practical demo around Sauchentree

Tim Geraghty, SRUC vet will explain the benefits of planning summer lamb productivity and ewe management following a successful lambing by Bruce and his team.

1.45pm at Aberdour Parish Hall, New Aberdour, AB43 6LH, then head later to Sauchentree Farm.