Sheep and Cattle Record Keeping – event summary
31 January 2017With around 10 farmers in attendance Hazel Laughton from SAC Consulting gave an overview of maintaining statutory cattle and sheep records including what to inspect at a government inspection, the new ScotMoves regulations and using EID to improve business efficiency.
Top Tips
- Write everything down when it comes to movements and medicines.
- If you think your records are currently sub standard don’t delay n turning over a new leaf.
- Consider investing in a EID reader for larger scale businesses moving sheep frequently.
- Make sure you have red replacement sheep tags on the farm.
- Send back this years annual inventory form.
- Print off BCMS list and undertake a manual cross check with passports and animals on farm
- Send back any passports for dead animals if not already done so
- Register for ScotMoves if required
- Consider the use of weighing and EID equipment to improve efficiency and overall animal performance
- Don’t get hung up in what has been wrong in the past and start recording correctly from now on.
Biodiversity & Conservation
Hazel showed examples of how linking EID technology and weight recording can improve animal welfare by using correct dose rate and reducing drug resistance, improved marketing of stock, increased genetic merit of stock by only selecting replacement breeding animals from the most productive females. Reducing the period finishing animals are on farm by selecting high performing breeding stock will aid in reducing the farms carbon footprint and help to mitigate climate change.
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