Cattle Record Keeping
This factsheet has been created to highlight the up-to-date requirements for cattle record keeping in Scotland.
Since October 2021 all cattle births, deaths and movements must now be reported to ScotMoves+, which is operated by ScotEID based in Huntly, Aberdeenshire. The ScotEID database now acts as a central location for all cattle movements, using ScotMoves and ScotMoves+, and the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) eradication programme database, encompassing the Scotch Potential Eligibility Cattle Checker (SPECC). The rules and regulations for the registering and identification of cattle are required by Scots law and are essential for animal health and food safety by improving traceability and reducing the likelihood of a disease outbreak.
This factsheet will detail the specific rules and regulations that must be adhered to when keeping cattle and the records required, with links to further details.

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