Podcast: The Thrill of The Hill – Sheep Upland Grazing Strategies
Consultant Alex Pirie speaks with Daniel Stout about Sheep Upland Grazing strategies and the broader Sheep industry in Scotland.
Sheep are synonymous with the Scottish farmed upland environment and at a time of really uncertainty it is important that the sector is resilient, robust, and open to change. In this series we look at some of the real issues facing the uplands and how to build efficient, climate and conservation conscious businesses. In episode one of the Thrill of the Hill series the Farm Advisory Service (FAS) talks to sheep and grassland consultant, Daniel Stout (SAC) about upping flock performance on the hills, for the benefit of the farmed upland environment. Also, up for discussion are topics like the relationship between in-bye and hill pasture, maximising key flock performance indicators, health planning, how to go about setting up rotational grazing systems and monitoring grass growth.
Visit The Thrill of The Hill webpage to listen to all episodes in the series.
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