Growth [SP.RA.HPG]
Inverness-shire New Entrants Group
Join us for a meeting on how to establish and grow a sheep enterprise.
Read More >Breeding Lambs for Carcass Quality
This event will be relevant to breeders who are interested in increasing the commercial value of their tups and also commercial sheep breeders who want to understand more about the information available to them when buying tups.
Read More >Keeping Lambs Growing
As lambs get bigger, they get less efficient at growing – an increasing amount of feed is needed solely for their maintenance. The contribution of energy dense milk to their diet starts to decline and the impact of mineral deficiencies and parasitic worms becomes more evident.
Read More >Detecting Ewe Under Nutrition In Late Pregnancy
70% of foetal growth occurs in the last 6 weeks of gestation making it crucial to avoid ewe undernutrition during this time. BOHB is found in high levels in the…
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