What's Stopping You - Membership Organisations
There is nothing like peer support. These organisations help amplify your voice with others in similar situations as yourself.
Hover over the tile to see the contact details for each organisation.

Scottish Crofting Federation
Established and run by crofters themselves, SCF is dedicated to campaigning for crofters and fighting for the future of crofting.
Scottish Enterprise
By actively engaging with agencies and government at local, national and international levels, we influence policy on rural, agricultural, social, environmental issues. Originally set up in 1985 as the Scottish Crofters Union, the organisation continues to protect and promote the interests of crofters and the crofting community.
Web: www.crofting.org
Email: hq@crofting.org
Tel: 01599 530 005
Facebook: @croftingcraic
Twitter: @SCFHq
Instagram: scottishcroftingfederation

(National Farmers Union of Scotland)
NFU Scotland is Scotland’s leading agricultural membership organisation, representing more than 8500 farmers, crofters, growers and rural businesses. It supports and promotes its members to achieve a sustainable and profitable future for Scottish agriculture.
NFUS (National Farmers Union of Scotland)
Web: www.nfus.org.uk
Email: info@nfus.org.uk
Tel: 0131 472 4000
Facebook: @nfuscotland
Twitter: @NFUStweets

NSA Scotland
NSA Scotland works with the national organisation to represent the views and interests of sheep producers through all of its activities which involves every aspect of the sheep industry. We are a grassroots organisation and our officeholders are predominantly active sheep farmers with working knowledge of the realities of running a sheep farming business.
NSA Scotland
Web: www.nationalsheep.org.uk/nsa-scotland/
Email: grace@nationalsheep.org.uk
Tel: 01684 892661
Facebook: @nsascotland.org.uk
Twitter: @NSA_Scotland

Scottish Land & Estates
Scottish Land and Estates have a vision to have the true value and contribution of rural land-based businesses recognised and valued both publicly and politically. They do this by championing and supporting rural businesses that provide economic, social and environmental benefit to the countryside.
Scottish Land & Estates
Web: www.scottishlandandestates.co.uk/
Email: Laura.butcher@scottishlandandestates.co.uk
Tel: 0131 653 5400
Facebook: @ScottishLandandEstates
Twitter: @ScotLandEstates
Instagram: N/A

Women in Agriculture Scotland
Women in Agriculture Scotland is an important grassroots movement for positive change to empower and increase the confidence of their membership to achieve their aspirations and create a more progressive, successful and inclusive industry.
Women in Agriculture Scotland
Web: www.womeninagriculturescotland.com/
Email: womeninagriculturescot@gmail.com
Tel: N/A
Facebook: @WiAScot
Twitter: @WiAScot
Instagram: @womeninagriculturescotland

The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC)
The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) is Scotland’s largest rural youth organisation providing a social network full of opportunities from competitions and events to training and travel.
The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC)
Email: nationaladmin@sayfc.org
Tel: 0131 333 2445
Facebook: @sayfc
Twitter: @sayfc
Instagram: @officialsayfc

Scottish Machinery Rings
Scottish Machinery Rings
Web: www.scottishmachineryrings.co.uk
Email: hamish.walls@saos.coop
Tel: Check website for local contacts
Facebook: @scottishmachineryrings
Twitter: @scottishrings
Instagram: @scottishmachineryrings

Scottish Beef Association (SBA)
The Scottish Beef Association is a group of Scottish Beef producers dedicated to influencing and shaping the structure and business environment in which our industry operates. The SBA works with other stakeholders across Scotland, the UK and Europe to promote the industry and secure the best outcomes for its members.
Scottish Beef Association (SBA)
Web: www.scottishbeefassociation.co.uk
Email: info@scottishbeefassociation.co.uk
Tel: 07734 812704
Facebook: N/A
Twitter: @ScotBeefAssoc
Instagram: N/A
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