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Personal resilience, Day 22 – 31st of March 2020


Thank you for following our emails across this month.  We hope to have stimulated your thinking and encouraged you to take steps to build and enhance your resilience.  Regular reflective practice is a great way to learn from our experience.  It is a simple process.  We encourage you to think about your experience of these emails and answer the following questions for yourself:

  1. Describe your experience.
  2. What are you feeling?
  3. Analyse your experience and feelings (what was good or bad).
  4. What is the meaning of the experience – how has this/ will this impact upon you?
  5. What are your conclusions?
  6. What actions will you now take based upon your experience?

Finally, we are very keen to receive your feedback on our month-long focus on resilience. Please share your feedback by emailing the Mary-Jane who has been coordinating the campaign.


If any of these emails or exercises have affected you and you feel you would like to speak to someone, support is available through RSABI.  You can call them on 0300 111 4166.  Their helpline is open from 7am to 11pm all year.

These resources have been developed by Kim Walker of Advance Consultancy for the Farm Advisory Service.

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