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FWN39 Spring 2023 – Quick Guide to Woodland Creation Grants

31 March 2023

The Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) supports the creation of new woodland that will provide economic, environmental and social benefits. Payment rates for five of the nine grant support options for woodland creation are shown in the table below. Higher rates of payment are available for eligible schemes within the following locations: Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN); Cairngorms National Park Woodland Expansion Target Area; Highland Native Woodland Target Area; Woodlands for Water Target Areas; and preferred and potential areas of local authority Forest and Woodland Strategies.

Woodland Creation optionTotal payment rate for hectare (for initial planting and annual maintenance for 5 years)
Standard areasTarget areas
Conifer* £2960£3330
Diverse Conifer*£3840£4320
Native Broadleaves£3200£3600
Native Broadleaves in Northern and Western Isles£6720£7560
*If ploughing is used, reduced payment rates for initial planting apply to reflect the cost saving from this cultivation method.

Central Scotland Green Network additional capital payment contribution

Within the CSGN Contribution Area additional funding is available to Woodland Creation schemes.

Core Area£2500/ha
Outer Core Area£1500/ha
Fringe Area£750/ha
CSGN contribution capped at 40ha in Core Area and Fringe Area, and at 65ha in Outer Core Area

Capital Items Payment Rates

In addition to the initial planting grant there is support for capital items that may be required to successfully establish new woodland.

Deer fencing£7.60/m
Stock fencing£4.40/m
Rabbit-proofing of fence£1.60/m
Tree shelters (1.2m to 1.8m)£2.00 each
Gorse removal£720/net ha
Bracken control£225/ha
Young broadleaf trees planted in rows, supported with tree guards and stakes on a gently sloping grassland field with high mountains visible far in the background.

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