Lamb Navel Treatment And Oral Antibiotic Use
12 February 2018
- The naval provides a potential route for bacteria to pass into the body.
- Use iodine. It dries the navel and has an antiseptic effect.
- Treat as soon as possible after birth and if possible a second time 6 hours later.
- Dip the entire navel.
- Wear gloves.
- Iodine is irritant. Ensure measures are taken to ensure it can’t be splashed into your face.
- Keep your iodine bottle clean – dipping navels can introduce bacteria into the iodine.
- Ideally use something like a teat dip cup so contaminated iodine is discarded.
- If using a bottle ensure when volume gets low the dregs are removed and the bottle cleaned before refilling.
- Discuss your oral antibiotic use in lambs with your vet before lambing. Consider using ONLY:
- Once you have had cases of watery mouth.
- Treating animals most at risk e.g. triplets.
- Use a spray – coverage of the navel isn’t adequate to prevent infection.
- Use a botte/cup and top up without cleaning.
- Treat every lamb born with oral antibiotics.
Lynn Gibson,
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