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Silage Dry Matter

10 August 2018

This year the higher dry matter silage will not fully compensate for the reduction in volume this year, on most farms.

1. This does mean you would not need to feed as much. Simply feeding last year’s ration e.g. 35kg/hd will mean more dry matter and, consequently, more energy this year – not necessarily what you want for dry spring calving cows.

2. Coupled with forage analysis results so far this year, these high dry matter grass silages will also have a high voluntary feed intake, emphasising the need for greater attention to rationing this winter.

3. Furthermore, with an increasing risk of secondary fermentation at feed-out, in high dry matter forage, means good clamp management will be necessary, as will avoiding feeding mouldy silage to pregnant livestock.

Forage budget, analyse silage, formulate diets and monitor intakes and performance.

Robert Logan 

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