Common Grazings Finances and Procedures – Helmsdale Part 1

Book event

Are you a Clerk, Treasurer,  Common Grazing Committee member, or a shareholder in a Common?  Join us for these informative and informal meetings to learn and discuss the best way to run the CG, and look after the finances and ensure fair payments out and in.


Held over two evenings, we will look at the responsibilities of hard working committee members and different financial scenarios, so you can keep your Common Grazing running smoothly.


We will look at commonly asked questions, such as:

  • How do you work out how much each shareholder should contribute to maintenance?
  • What happens with contributions if shareholders are absentee or inactive?
  • How should resumption money be distributed?
  • What are the financial considerations with vacant shares?
  • What is the difference between maintenance and improvements when it comes to contributions?
  • How much should a clerk be paid?


Using an invented Common Grazing, we will work through different scenarios that you might come across on your Common. We will also provide worksheets to take away for simpler record keeping. There will be opportunity to ask questions of Arthur MacDonald and Finlay Beaton from the Crofting Commission.


To get the most out of these events, please book onto both parts.  In Part A, we look at the roles of the committee and dealing with Maintenance payment collection, and in Part B, we look at distribution of income such as Resumption money,  and how to deal with collection of payments for improvements on the Common.


The meetings will be held in the evening and refreshments will be available. This event is FREE, but please book to ensure your spaces.


Part 2 (4th Feb) Common Grazings Finances and Procedures – Helmsdale Part 2 | Events helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service


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