Deer Farming Meeting – Innerhadden Estate

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The first FAS Connect Deer Farming Meeting will be held at Kinloch Rannoch on Monday 12th September, 10:30am start, which is open to all to attend.  Firstly we will meet at the Village Hall then in the afternoon we will visit Innerhadden Estate. There will be speakers from the Venison Advisory Service and SAC Consulting. The focus of the day will be to outline the farming system at Innerhadden including rotational grazing, setting up the rut, best practice weaning strategy and how to successfully transition weaned calves onto a forage crop for outwintering. We hope to generate discussion around reducing production costs and maximising herd potential. Lunch is provided, so booking is essential for catering purposes. Please see the map which details where the car parking area is and directions to the village hall.



Bookings are no longer available for this event.