Lothian & Borders
NVZ & Nutrient Management Workshop – Edinburgh
Venue: Maitlandfield HotelRegion: Lothians / Lothian & Borders
Time: 11:00 am
NVZ and Nutrient Budget workshop updating you on NVZ rules and common errors found on inspection in the Lothians and Borders.
Borders WiA: Cedar Hus and Organic Farming
Venue: Bewliehill Farm, Lilliesleaf, MelroseRegion: Lothian & Borders
Time: 10:00 am
Please use the above map for an exact meeting location. Both men and women are welcome to this Women in Agriculture event. Hear about the new and innovative Cedar Hus,…
New Entrant Finance Course: Introduction to Finance – Lanark
Venue: Mill No.1Region: Lanarkshire / Ayrshire / Dumfries & Galloway / Lothian & Borders
Time: 7:00 pm
SAC Consulting’s Andrew Coalter will give an overview of the different business structures and their responsibilities and the types of finance available and where to find it.
Soil Association – Planning for Change: Making the most of Whole Farm Plans
Venue: Lochhouses, DunbarRegion: Lothian & Borders
Time: 10:00 am
From 15 May 2025, in order to receive Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments, every farmer and crofter in Scotland will have to demonstrate that they have started to baseline land…