Agribusiness News February 2025 – Sector Focus: Pigs
Stable prices and sustained profitability are not words usually associated with the pig sector; however, this sums up the fortunes of the pig sector nicely for 2024. This is much welcomed and while investment is now happening again, much of this is aimed at improving efficiency and meeting environmental or welfare standards as opposed to…
The Farm Management Handbook
The Farm Management Handbook Your guide to Scottish agriculture The Farm Management Handbook is an essential tool for any progressive farm business, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date source of information for farmers, crofters, rural professionals, students and consultants. Subject matter covered includes: Crop Inputs Arable Potatoes Grassland Forage Crops Livestock Dairying Beef Cattle Sheep Red…
Faba Beans for Alternative Protein and Reducing Monogastric Carbon Footprint
This article is part of the Climate Change & Carbon Research Briefings series. More articles in the series can be found below: Understanding Natural Capital Markets Collecting On-Farm Biodiversity Data with Bioacoustics Applicability of Slurry Separation and Acidification on Farms in Scotland Advancing Agricultural Practices, Reducing Emissions and Ensuring Sustainable Growth in the Face of…