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Lambing time is an extremely busy time in the sheep calendar.  It lets producers see the results of a year worth of management, in the ewe’s ability to produce vigorous healthy lambs and produce good levels of milk for her young.  It is a time for absolute attention to detail, we have produced a series of information sheets to aid at this time of year.

For more information on lambing topics see our sheep updates section, where you will find timely articles relating to pre and post lambing.

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Indoor Lambing Management

As lambing time approaches, we tackle key challenges in this timely video, where we address colostrum, hygiene, iodine supply and reducing antibiotics at lambing time.

Read more>>

Reducing Labour At Lambing Time

The lambing period can be extremely labour intensive. In this video we provide some simple, low cost tips to ‘tweak’ the system to reduce labour and now is the time to review your lambing accommodation to see what changes can be made for a more efficient lambing. Reducing labour time spent on the simple things such as filling water buckets will allow more time to be spent on the more important tasks.  View here>>

Colostrum For Lambs

Colostrum is the ultimate super food for new born lambs, watch this short video, where Kirsten Williams gives some tips on storing, freezing and defrosting colostrum for this lambing.

Feeding The Ewe In Mid Pregnancy (Video)

Managing ewes in mid pregnancy is a key point in the ewes production cycle, listen to our video to find out more on the importance of placental development on the future lamb crop.  View here>>

Industry Links

Live Lambs” was a 3 year project delivered by SAC Consulting aimed at understanding and overcoming the challenges of lamb mortality on Scottish Farms, with an overall aim of reducing lamb losses using 5 key focus areas:

  • Body Condition Score
  • Nutrition
  • Lambing Management
  • Abortion
  • Identifying Causes of Lamb Losses
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