Alternative Livestock (webinar)
Ever wondered what it is like to farm deer and pigs in Scotland? Are you thinking about adding a new enterprise to your livestock farm?
Guest speakers for this webinar are Andrew & Lauren Houston of Glenkilrie Larder and Neil Wright, Matheson’s.
In 2018, Andrew & Lauren Houston introduced a deer herd to the existing Aberdeen Angus cattle herd and Scottish Blackface and Cheviot sheep flock on Andrew’s family farm, Glenkilrie at the foot of Glenshee in highland Perthshire. Produce from the beef, sheep and deer enterprises is marketed directly through Glenkilrie Larder.
After returning home from New Zealand in 2000, Neil Wright started working with pigs at Matheson’s and after a few years bought the business as a new entrant. Matheson’s run predominantly organic sows numbering 400 at present but there are also conventional sows, chickens, sheep and arable present.
Topics covered include:
- How to get started with deer and pigs
- Costs and potential returns
- Opportunities to get involved in deer and pigs farming in Scotland

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