Fodder Beet – A Focus On Beef
Fodder beet as a crop to overwinter livestock, has grown in popularity over Scotland the last number of years. But, unlike a traditional brassica, this crop requires careful management for livestock, especially that of cattle. It is a crop with huge potential in Scotland, with the ability to winter cows, growing and finishing cattle in situ or graze in house.
This webinar was the second of a series of three, and focused on beef (cows, growing and finishing cattle). We were joined by Dr. Jim Gibbs, who is based in New Zealand, he is a ruminant nutritionist, vet and all round fodder beet specialist. He has been involved in the development of the crop in livestock farms for many years over in New Zealand, and has vast experience in this. We were also joined by Kirsten Williams, SAC Consulting Beef and Sheep Consultant.
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