Soil Association Scotland’s Agroforestry in Action Knowledge Transfer Programme – Final report
The project ‘Agroforestry in Action’ commenced on 1 December 2020 and completed on 31 March 2021. It was delivered jointly by Soil Association Scotland and Woodland Trust Scotland with 25% co-funding from Woodland Trust Scotland and Scottish Forestry. The aim of the project is to increase awareness and understanding amongst farmers, crofters and other rural stakeholders of the opportunities for agroforestry in Scotland and its benefits for productive and sustainable farming, resource efficient land management, nature and a safe climate.
The project’s key finding is that there is a great appetite for agroforestry-related information from Scottish farmers and crofters, especially resources and events that address the particularities of the Scottish regions. However, there are a number of issues including lack of resources and information relevant to Scotland which are holding back the wider uptake of agroforestry in Scotland.
You may also want to visit Soil Association Scotland’s website for more advice on grants and guidance on agroforestry
They’ve also been working with farmers and crofters across Scotland who are putting agroforestry into practice, integrating trees onto their farms and crofts. They’ve been making videos which demonstrate exactly how they do it.

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