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Technical note (TN736): Optimising the application of livestock farmyard manures and slurries

Technical Note (TN736): Optimising the application of livestock farmyard manures and slurries

Livestock manures applied to agricultural land are valuable sources of organic matter, major and secondary plant nutrients, and many also contain useful quantities of trace elements and may have a small liming value. When
appropriately done, the recycling to land of organic materials allows their nutrient value to be used for the benefit of crops and soils and can provide significant savings on the cost of manufactured fertilisers. Regular applications of livestock manures can improve water-holding capacity, drought resistance and structural stability, as well as the biological activity of soils. The greatest benefits are likely to be observed on soils where organic matter levels are low. Livestock manures should be spread in rotation on all suitable land throughout the farm where agricultural benefit is likely, rather than on land which is conveniently situated in relation to steadings or roads.

Read the full technical note here


spreading slurry with a trailing shoe

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