There are several types of Decrofting, and different application forms for each. The most frequent applications are for decrofting a house and garden ground, or for decrofting part of a croft. Other applications are for whole crofts, or for development schemes. The form required also depends on whether the applicant is a tenant or owner occupier crofter.
Common reasons for decrofting are to allow a mortgage to be obtained to build a house by attaining title deeds, or to raise funds for croft improvements, or to separate a house from the croft, perhaps when passing on the croft, or to provide garden or amenity ground.
Crofters have a right to decroft one statutory croft house site and a reasonable area of garden ground. However, if the statutory house has already been decrofted, or isn’t habitable, then the ‘Decrofting – Part Croft’ form should be used. If you wish to decroft a plot, or a bit a garden, or another house on the croft, then apply through the ‘Decrofting – Part Croft’ application route.
‘Resumption’ has the same effect as ‘decrofting’, however, Decrofting is carried out by the tenant or owner occupier crofter, via the Crofting Commission, whereas a Resumption is carried out by the landlord, via the Land Court.