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Environmental Management on Common Grazings

Environmental management is an important part of crofting and farming life, here we look at the legislated areas.

The Muirburn Code

Use this link to find out more about the Muirburn code.

A new version of the Muirburn Code was produced for the Scottish Government by Scotland’s Moorland Forum and launched in November 2017. Please ensure that you are using the revised version of the code: Muirburn-code

The code provides good practice guidance for burning and cutting of vegetation, and sets out the statutory restrictions that apply. Under cross compliance, recipients of direct support payments (e.g. Basic Payment Scheme) have to meet the requirements of Good Agricultural and Environment Conditions (GAECs), some of which relate to the Muirburn Code.


Muirburn on Common Grazings

This podcast is an interview with Alastair Culbertson Chairman of the Sleat General Grazings. It explores how the group have proactively organised muirburn in their grazings. This is to reduce the risk of wildfire and to improve the quality of grazing for the crofter’s sheep and cattle. It covers a new Fire Danger Rating System.



Training documents from EuroFire

Machair Cropping

Shelter Belts on Common Grazings

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