Environment and Biodiversity
Farmers are under increasing pressure to minimise the impact of dairy farming on the environment and are already taking significant measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and improve biodiversity on their farms. Carrying out a carbon audit is a good place to start. This helps to identify the key sources of GHGs from the farm and highlight areas for targeting reductions. Reducing your carbon footprint is closely linked to improvements in efficiency and so there is often a link between reducing emissions and improving profitability.
The loss of biodiversity is also a pressing issue that government is encouraging farmers to address. Biodiversity refers to variety of all life and intensive agriculture is seen to be the leading cause of biodiversity loss and habitat destruction. However, careful farming methods can help support biodiversity, improving habitats for wildlife to thrive. This includes practices such as planting and managing hedgerows, planting catch crops, constructed farm wetlands and buffer strips to protect water quality.
This page provides information and resources to help dairy farmers minimise their impact on the environment and improve biodiversity.

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