Walking and Talking trees with Richard Lockett of Knockbain Farm, Dingwall.


Richard Lockett will introduce us to Knockbain Farm, his family’s 200 Ha mixed farm just outside Dingwall. This farm is gradually creating a network of wetlands, hedges, ponds, and expanding native and commercial woodlands. A pedigree herd of Luing cattle run on the farm, mob grazing grasslands and wildflower meadows. The woodlands provide shelter, shade, habitat, timber and wood fuel. We will discuss the farm’s experiences of woodland creation since the 1970’s (good and bad), the importance of woodlands for livestock and new agroforestry plans.  We’ll look at the initial thought process, the decision to plant trees, objectives, challenges and benefits. We will also have a speaker from Scottish Forestry joining us to discuss funding and first steps to woodland creation. Book your free place here. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. Find out about the Network, its hosts and useful info here