Carbon and Mitigation
What is ‘Rock Dust’ (Enhanced Weathering) and how it can Affect Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration
What is ‘rock dust’? Rock dust, or enhanced weathering (EW) mainly comprises igneous (volcanic) material rich in magnesium and calcium (essential for enhanced weathering), such as basalt, olivine and dunnite which are crushed to a powder for application to soils. Rock dust on soils – the concept Figure 1 outlines the concept of EW which…
Peatland Restoration – Your Most Pressing Questions Answered
Have you been considering peatland restoration on your farm and croft, but there are still a few questions you need answered? In this article, we addressed the most frequently asked questions and debunked some of the most common misconceptions about peatland restoration. This article will also signpost you to relevant resources and help you get…
Agribusiness News December 2024 – Management Matters: Carbon – Would You Credit It?
Carbon & Biodiversity Credits What is coming down the line for carbon and biodiversity credits for farmers and land managers in Scotland? Recent events and publications continue to build the momentum and infrastructure required to develop a fair and functional marketplace for farmers delivering these public goods. Scotland level On 5 November 2024, Scottish Government…
Understanding Soil Carbon
Soil comprises a mixture of mineral and organic material derived from the breakdown of parent material during soil formation and more recent additions of vegetation litter, dead roots, plant material and animal wastes. Therefore, soil organic matter (SOM) contains a range of nutrients including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other nutrients, with SOM being…
Making Sense of Soil Carbon
This article is part of the Climate Change & Carbon Research Briefings series. More articles in the series can be found below: Understanding Natural Capital Markets Collecting On-Farm Biodiversity Data with Bioacoustics Faba Beans for Alternative Protein and Reducing Monogastric Carbon Footprint Applicability of Slurry Separation and Acidification on Farms in Scotland Advancing Agricultural Practices,…
Using Precision Data on Grassland and Livestock Farms
With the rise in input costs and increasing pressure on the agricultural industry to reduce its carbon footprint, the data generated by precision technology is being used increasingly to help reduce inputs, increase efficiency, and make more informed management decisions. Historically precision technology and has been largely focused with arable cropping but the technology is…
Carbon Markets & Finance
Carbon Markets & Finance Carbon markets refer to the growing space for the sale of carbon credits which has evolved in the last few years. With a wealth of natural resources on farms, including soils, crops, woodlands and trees, agriculture offers some potential for the generation of carbon assets. Carbon markets can refer to both…
Carbon Reporting
Carbon Reporting Conducting a carbon assessment can be a valuable means to evaluate resource efficiency and productivity on farm, as much as understanding your farm’s carbon footprint. A carbon assessment, or ‘carbon audit’, takes existing information and data about a farm’s land, crops, livestock, energy and waste, and generates reports on carbon footprints as well…