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New Entrants: Getting Started

Getting started, is extremely exciting, but where do you start?  Once you have purchased land, taken on a tenancy, etc. you must register with the Scottish Government as a farmer/crofter.  Depending on the enterprises (livestock, arable, etc.) you may need to register with animal health, quality assurance bodies, the crofting commission, etc.

We have developed numerous guides to assist in, where to start….

Business Planning and Financial Management: An Introduction

This article is an introductory guide on how to build and structure a business plan, and how it helps with financial management.

Understanding Different Business Structures

When starting up a business, it is important to consider what structure is best for you. This guide breaks down the different types of business structures such as sole trading, partnerships and limited companies.

Basis Reform Explained 

In the 2021 Autumn Budget, the Government announced a reform of the way that trading profits are allocated to tax years for income tax purposes. These changes are known as Basis Period Reform. This article explains who this affects and what it means for you.

Contract Farming Agreements Explained

Contract Farming Agreements are formal joint venture agreements where a landowner or occupier (the Farmer) engages the services of a contractor to manage farming operations under pre-arranged terms. This article explains all you need to know.

Starting Up An Agricultural Business

This guidance note takes you through registering your holding, compliance measures and rules for identifying and recording animals (cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry).

Getting Registered To Keep Livestock and Claim For Support

This short fact sheet simply explains the steps in getting registered to keep livestock.

Next Generation Practical Training Through LANTRA

The Next Generation Practical Training Fund aims to support new entrants to farming by providing the opportunity for skills development and training on the practicalities of agricultural practice as well as wider business and sustainability skills.

getting started

Registering a Croft or Small Holding for Cattle and Sheep

This short fact sheet explains the roles of the different people you must contact when registering.

Introduction to Crofting

This guidance note explains crofting terminology, how to obtain a croft and the various grants that are available.

Introduction to Crofting (Gaelic version)

The Gaelic version of above.

A Guide to Buying and Selling at the Mart

This guidance note explains what to expect on your first outing to the livestock market.

A Guide to Transporting Livestock

This guide includes health and welfare considerations, training and competence, movements and traceability and safe handling of stock.

A Guide to Keeping Cattle

This fact sheet is an excellent guide for those thinking about starting a herd of cattle.  It covers, breed choice, suitability to the environment, forage, housing, health etc. for cattle.

A Guide to Keeping Sheep

This fact sheet is an excellent guide for those thinking about starting a flock of sheep.  It covers, breed choice, suitability to the environment, forage, housing, health etc. for sheep.

Sheep Record Keeping

The aim of this factsheet is to summarise the key details of sheep record keeping.  It can be used as a guide to find out what is expected from you as a producer to meet legislative and traceability requirements.

Starting Out In Arable Agriculture - Variable Costs And Creating A Budget

Variable costs are important in a farms budget as they vary year on year and vary depending on the crops grown.  They can have a big impact on the overall financial performance of a business.

Starting Out In Arable Agriculture - Machinery Appraisal 

Machinery cost on farms can be a major contributor to high levels of fixed costs.  In 2020, it was estimated that £1.8-1.9billion was spent on new farm machinery in the UK. This factsheet will compare the costs of doing the job in-house against paying a contractor.

Starting Out In Arable Agriculture - Profitability of Rotations

An ideal rotation should include a balance of different crops.  The main aim of a rotation is to provide a profitable sequence that breaks the pest and disease cycle, improves weed control, prevents soil erosion and improves the nutrient cycle and soil condition.

Capitalising on Assets

This fact sheet provides guidance to New Entrants starting their farming or crofting journey and highlights various enterprise options which capitalise on existing farm or croft assets.

Writing A Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is an operational document that outlines the marketing activity that a business plans to implement to generate leads and reach its target market.

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