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Aberdeenshire Soil and Nutrient Network Meeting – event summary

16 February 2017

The first meeting of the Aberdeenshire Soil & Nutrient Network

The first in a series of three meetings was opened by Paul Chapman, SAC Consulting, and host farmer Alan Maitland with a background to the farm at East Balhalgardy.

Soil specialists Gavin Elrick & Alex Sinclair took the group on a farm walk to discuss the farm soils ‘in the field’.  Whilst outdoors, the following topics were covered:

  • Examination of test pit to discuss soil structureGroup of farmers around a soil pit
  • Introduction of the VESS system for examining soil structure
  • Discussion of soil type and texture and implications for soil nutrient and pH management (particularly phosphorus sorption)
  • Discussion of GPS soil sampling results in relation to features within the field
  • Demonstration of manure spreading rates

Following lunch there was further discussion of pH management and the use of GPS soil sampling.  There was a high degree of interest and engagement from attendees (even regarding detailed soil chemistry).

Information relating to the meeting is available to download below.

For any further information on the Aberdeenshire Soil & Nutrient Network, please contact

Alex Sinclair giving a presentation about whole farm soil testing

Related Downloads
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Group of farmers around a soil pit

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