Livestock Health and Welfare (SAC Vets Perth) – event summary
21 February 2017Tour of the vet lab with practical demonstrations and discussions looking at disease and parasite control and management practices to help improve herd and flock efficiencies.
The event was held at the vet labs to provide up close demonstrations of animal health issues such as johnes, liver fluke and worms. In addition some tools to help with improving animal performance were presented and discussed. A cross compliance reminder was presented also.
The attendees were guided around the vet lab in 3 groups:
Station 1 – Laboratory
In the lab demonstrations of parasites affecting livestock were shown using microscopes. The impacts of these parasites and control measure were discussed.
Station 2 – PM Room
Attendees changed into Personal Protective Equipment. Dead animals (sheep and calves) were sourced from Grayshill. The demonstration provided attendees with a tour of the internal organs of the animals and clear view of how illness (chronic and acute) affects animals internally and hence how production of these animals is hindered. All attendees disrobed from PPE and washed hands thoroughly.
Station 3 – Presentation
A presentation on Cross Compliance was shown to attendees. The presentation provided information on common cross compliance faults and a discussion of tips to help improve efficiencies through meeting cross compliance measures.
The evening ended with some refreshments and discussion on what was seen throughout the tour.
The overall feedback was excellent and people were complimentary on the methods of delivery and the knowledge that was passed to them during the tours. The information on cross compliance was well received and people said that it was a good reminder of what they need to remember to do. Many comments included that they would be keen to do this type of meeting again as it was a good way to get key points across.
A pack of TNs, web articles and cross compliance check lists was provided at the end of the meeting. During the presentation, the websites for Cross Compliance and FAS were identified.
Presentations and handouts can be found below.
- Carbon Footprinting in the Beef Herd
- Carbon Footprinting in the Beef Herd: A practical guide
- Workbook of all cross compliance checklists
- Cross compliance is a set of rules that must be adhered to in order to receive Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support payments.
- Topics: Rural Business
- GAEC 5 – Minimum land management reflecting site specific conditions to limit erosion
- The aim of GAEC 5 rules is to protect soil against erosion in certain situations.
- Topics: Rural Business
- SMR 1 – Nitrate vulnerable zones
- The aim of SMR 1 rules is to reduce the pollution of waters caused or induced by nitrates from agricultural sources and to prevent such pollution occurring in the future.
- Topics: Rural Business
- SMR 13 – Welfare of farmed animals
- The aim of SMR 13 rules is to protect the welfare of farmed animals by setting minimum standards for their care and husbandry.
- Topics: Rural Business
- SMR 7 – Cattle identification and registration
- The aim of SMR 7 rules is to maintain a system for the identification, registration and traceability of cattle.
- Topics: Beef Cattle, New Entrants, Dairy Cattle, Livestock and Rural Business
- SMR 8 – Sheep and goat identification
- The aim of SMR 8 rules is to maintain a system for the identification, registration and traceability of sheep and goats.
- Topics: Rural Business
- Technical Note (TN665) – Alternative watering for field grazed livestock I – Abstraction systems
- Topics: Water Management
- Technical Note (TN666) – Alternative Watering for Field Grazed Livestock II – Pumping Systems
- Topics: Water Management
- Technical Note (TN674): Cross Compliance Inspection Process
- A Cross Compliance inspection checks that you are meeting the rules relating to Statutory Management Requirements and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions.
- Topics: Rural Business
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