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New entrants: What to expect from an inspection – event summary

1 February 2017

We have held a series of events across the country for New Entrants to farming to look at the subject farm inspection.

The presentation delivered along with handouts can be found below.


Related Downloads
What to expect from an inspection
Topics: New Entrants and Rural Business
Technical Note (TN674): Cross Compliance Inspection Process
A Cross Compliance inspection checks that you are meeting the rules relating to Statutory Management Requirements and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions.
Topics: Rural Business
SMR 13 – Welfare of farmed animals
The aim of SMR 13 rules is to protect the welfare of farmed animals by setting minimum standards for their care and husbandry.
Topics: Rural Business
SMR 6 – Pig identification and registration
The aim of SMR 6 rules is to maintain a system for the identification, registration and traceability of pigs.
Topics: Rural Business
SMR 7 – Cattle identification and registration
The aim of SMR 7 rules is to maintain a system for the identification, registration and traceability of cattle.
Topics: Beef Cattle, New Entrants, Dairy Cattle, Livestock and Rural Business
SMR 8 – Sheep and goat identification
The aim of SMR 8 rules is to maintain a system for the identification, registration and traceability of sheep and goats.
Topics: Rural Business
Technical Note (TN676): Why Tag and Record Sheep?
If direct subsidies are claimed (Basic Payment Scheme, LFASS, Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme, Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme, Beef Efficiency Scheme and some SRDP options), adhering to Cross Compliance and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) is essential.
Topics: Rural Business

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