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Set your business in the right direction with an Integrated Land Management Plan

28 August 2021

Not sure how to get the most out of your farming or crofting business? Want to increase production and financial efficiency but can’t work out how? Deciding how to do this by yourself can be difficult.

An Integrated Land Management Plan (ILMP) is an excellent advisory tool. Undertaken by a professional farm advisor, a business ILMP provides a holistic review of the business to identify what is achievable and provides a step-by-step plan to take your business where you want it to go. Whether it’s a conservation review or a cross compliance assessment to highlight where there may be risk areas for your business, or just finding the right work/life balance – an ILMP can help you plot out how best to achieve your goals.

Through the Farm Advisory Service (FAS), farming businesses can access grant funding from Scottish Government for up to 80% of the total cost of a professional ILMP (the remaining 20% would be covered by the participating business). As part of the review process, your expert adviser can assess the current physical and financial production efficiency of your farming business, allowing you to get the most out of what you’ve got.

After working with an adviser to complete an ILMP through FAS, landowner Fergus Laing of Glenbeg Estate said ‘It helps you understand what business opportunities are available to you and how best to go about developing your business’.

Applications are open to all farming and crofting businesses, registered to Scotland Rural Payments and Services and in possession of a Business Reference Number (BRN).

Following an ILMP, Daye Tucker, partner of Carbeth Home Farm said ‘It was simple and straightforward. Help was just a phone call or email away. It was worlds apart from what I’ve experienced in the past. Much more straightforward and efficient.’

To set your business in the right direction, apply here. To find out more information about FAS services, please visit Alternatively, call 0300 323 0161 or email

Photo of Girrick Farm, one of the Soil & Nutrient Network farms, taken from afar

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