Organics in Scotland Video Series
Whether you’re considering conversion to organic farming or you’re looking at introducing a different enterprise on your organic farm, the videos in this series look at three different organic farming businesses and how they are managed. All three farms have been organic for more than ten years, and run successful businesses.
The three case study farms listed below were selected to highlight different organic farming enterprises and show the diversity of enterprises and marketing methods of organic produce in Scotland.

Growing Organic Vegetables for a Box Scheme – Bridgefoot Organics
Bridgefoot Organics is a long established organic vegetable growing business that grows a wide variety of vegetables for customers in North East Scotland. Matthew Touche explains the background to the business, and how they provide a range of seasonal vegetables for 50 weeks of the year, overcoming problems such as weeds, pests and diseases. Read more >>
Managing a Mixed Farming Enterprise Organically – Knock Farm
Roger Polson & Tom Mutter explain how the farm at Knock has been managed organically for the last 15 years, and explain why they became organic, and how it put a whole new challenge into farming. Read more >>
Direct Retailing from a Poultry, Dairy, Beef, Sheep & Arable farm – Lower Mill of Tynet Farm
Gordon & June Whiteford are 1st generation farmers, who have built up their farming business over the last 10 years at Lower Mill of Tynet. Their story is an inspiring one of continual investment into building up a sustainable farming business, that has taken Gordon around the world as a Nuffield Farming Scholar to learn more about poultry farming, and the benefits of rearing white feathered hens. Read more >>
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