Thrill of the Hill – COP26 One Year On
Thrill of the Hill is back! Season 3 #7 – COP26 One Year On. In this episode we hear from SAC Consulting’s Seamus Murphy as we take a look back at Scotland’s role in COP26 and review some of the highlights, shortcomings, commitments and missed opportunities from the conference. We also discuss the changing mindsets of farmers in Scotland and how to find common ground with climate marchers and protestors.
COP26, or the 26th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, was a watershed moment in international efforts to tackle climate change and its effects. COP26 was, at its time the latest meetings of the parties, meaning nations that had signed up to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which launched in 1992. It is a common phrase, “X is at the frontline of the fight against climate change” but here in Scotland, in the backdrop of one of the hottest summers on record the realities of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent and each year that passes without serious action is time society might not get back. One year on from the conference in Glasgow we take a look at the progress that has been made since.
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