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Campbeltown Soil & Nutrient Network: 1st meeting – Event summary

12 July 2018

The first meeting of the new Campbeltown Soil & Nutrient Network group was held at Dunadd Farm on a sunny 12th July.  The event was kindly hosted by Roy Foster & Keiran McCullough.  Drainage, leatherjacket control and rush management were the key topics for discussion.

Seamus Donnelly gave an in depth presentation on the value of good drainage and the pitfalls that may be encountered.

Davy McCracken gave a detailed overview of the work and research being carried out at the Kirkton & Auchtertyre farms and highlighted the similarities to mid-Argyll in terms of landscape.

A practical session out in the field looked at using a spade to assess your land, soil & root structures and to show how there can be variances in soil types within a field which can cause issues with drainage.

Questions from delegates and discussions on best practice for drainage and leatherjacket control made sure everyone had plenty to think about before they left.

Information that was available to take away from this event & other relevant resources can be downloaded by using the links below.

This was the first of three meetings of this Soil & Nutrient Network group.  There are a total of 12 host farms across Scotland.  You can find more details about the other soil & nutrient network groups here.

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