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Look After Your Soil and It Will Look After You – event summary

6 March 2017

Gavin Elrick focused on soil textures, structures and compaction – showing videos on the effects of tyre pressures with lower field settings creating far less compaction than field work using tyres at road pressures.  There were also considerable fuel savings.

Alan Bruce then discussed nutrient planning for cereals and grassland also highlighting the importance of knowing your soils pH and appreciating the contribution of FYM and slurries in terms of soil nutrients.   Pete Wright gave an update on the catchment issues in the area.

Rebecca Audsley discussed various alternative watering facilities and options  funded through eg AECS.

In the afternoon the meeting moved to Mains of Blackton, by kind permission of Gavin and Carol Elrick, where attendees were able to view  fields with green manures followed by field demonstrations of compaction comparing different wheels, tyres and pressures.  He then showed the group his water margin and alternative water pumping system.

Presentations and handouts from the day can be found below.

Related Downloads
PowerPoint – Gavin Elrick
Topics: Soils
PowerPoint Look After Your Soil
Topics: Soils
Technical Note (TN665) – Alternative watering for field grazed livestock I – Abstraction systems
Topics: Water Management
Technical Note (TN666) – Alternative Watering for Field Grazed Livestock II – Pumping Systems
Topics: Water Management
Technical Note (TN656): Soil Information, Texture & Liming Recommendations
• Web based access to information on your soils on your farm is described. • Soil texture classes of mineral soils are described and identified by hand texturing. • Liming recommendations for different soils and managements are tabulated.
Topics: Soils

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