Setting Up A Carbon Neutral Business (webinar)
In this webinar, we hear first hand from two speakers who have got low carbon and regenerative farming practices at the forefront of their businesses.
Sam Parsons is farm manager of Balcaskie Estate in Fife. Balcaskie was previously managed as a conventional arable unit. In 2016 they took the big leap to convert to an organic system on parts of the farm and introduce livestock on to the estate. Since then they have continued down this route incorporating more regenerative practices to create a low-input, organic system that also promotes soil health and bio-diversity.
Pete Ritchie is the Director of Nourish Scotland, a non-profit which works on food policy. Pete is also on the Farming for 1.5 panel. Which is an independent inquiry looking to investigate and build consensus on what measures the Scottish agricultural industry needs to adopt to play it’s role in meeting the challenge of climate change. Pete also has a small organic farm, Whitmuir Organics.

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