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Agribusiness News May 2023
Posted: Monday, 01 May 2023
Welcome to the May edition of Agribusiness News. If you prefer to download this document click the download button.
N e w s i n b r i e f
Let them eat Quiche!
With the coronation of King Charles lll on the 6th of May heralding the dawn of a new Carolean era, the nation is being encouraged to support the egg industry by having a Coronation quiche as part of their celebratory lunch. Featuring a subtle combination of Cheddar cheese, tarragon, spinach and broad beans also known as fava beans; the proof will be in the eating as to whether it will rival Queen Elizabeth’s choice of spicy Coronation chicken. For film aficionados, the fava bean link might prompt some to enjoy the quiche with a nice Chianti.
With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the resultant disruption to cereal markets, cereal traders are intensely monitoring growing crops around the world with fingers crossed that their predictions of supply exceeding demand will win out thereby reducing pressure on crop availability for next winter. However, beef and sheep nutritionist Karen Stewart’s article says lessons can be learned from the dairy sector with regards making better quality silage as a means of reducing the need for bought in concentrates and boosting net margins.
In the beef sector, while cattle prices continue to go from strength to strength, as producers still need to be vigilant with regards livestock health, the new Bovine Tuberculosis controls will help to protect Scotland’s status of being officially Bovine TB free since September 2009. However, with the national breeding cow numbers continuing to fall, Lesley Wylie looks at how a resultant fall in prime cattle could be mitigated.
As the pig, poultry and dairy sectors continue to struggle with high energy prices, Iain Boyd’s article this month on energy self-sufficiency options discusses ways in which businesses can seek to future proof their energy needs and control their costs of production and Mark Bowsher-Gibbs looks at what is trending on the global stage in 2023.
Next month:
- Carbon update
- Diversification
This month’s editor: Christine Beaton