Technical Notes
On this page, we've gathered our technical notes across a wide range of areas helpful in running your farm.
Technical Note (TN699): Agricultural use of Biosolids, Composts, Anaerobic Digestates and other Industrial Organic Fertilisers
Organic fertilisers such as biosolids, composts, anaerobic digestates and industrial wastes can be useful and cost-effective crop nutrient sources that can improve soil quality. This technical note outlines their use in agriculture.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN656): Soils Information, Texture and Liming
This technical note offers information on soil, including classification, texture, PLANET Scotland and lime recommendations.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN714): Liming Materials and Recommendations
This technical note examines soil pH, choosing liming materials and lime recommendations for different soils.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN715): Phosphate and Potash Recommendations for Crops Grown in Highland and Islands
This is an examination of phosphate and potash recommendations based on soils in the Highlands and Islands.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN716): Phosphate and Potash Recommendations for Crops Grown in South West Scotland
This is an examination of phosphate and potash recommendations based on soils in South West Scotland.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN717): Phosphate and Potash Recommendations for Crops Grown in North East Scotland and Tayside
This is an examination of phosphate and potash recommendations based on soils in North East Scotland and Tayside.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN718): Phosphate and Potash Recommendations for Crops Grown in Fife, Lothian and Scottish Borders
This is an examination of phosphate and potash recommendations based on soils in Fife, Lothians and the Scottish Borders.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN726): Fertiliser Recommendations for Grassland Scotland
Limitations to grass production are temperature, moisture, soil pH, soil drainage and structure, and nitrogen (N). This technical note shows how to calculate the optimal amount of N that should be applied.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN731): Nitrogen Recommendations for Cereals, Oilseed Rape and Potatoes (November 2022)
This technical note is the latest overview of the recommended nitrogen applications for cereals, oilseed rape and potatoes.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN734): Fertiliser Recommendations for Vegetables, Minority Arable Crops and Bulbs
This technical note looks at nitrogen, phosphate and potash recommendations for vegetables, minority arable crops and bulbs. It also contains information on minor nutrients.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN736): Optimising the Application of Livestock Farmyard Manures and Slurries
Livestock manures are value resources that bring significant benefits to soils and crops when used appropriately. This technical note outlines how to optimise application.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN740): Fertiliser Recommendations for Soft Fruit and Rhubarb Crops
This technical note explains the how to best use fertilisers for optimal establishment of soft fruit and rhubarb crops.
DownloadCrops & Soils
Technical Note (TN668): Managing Soil Phosphorus
Efficient soil P management is challenging due to the varying ability of soils to mediate and regulate plant available forms of P. Farmers and land managers in Scotland are now able to access farm level information about their soils making it possible to provide more accurate P management advice.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN657): Management of Copper in Soils for Cereals
The soils of Scotland have developed from a range of complex geological parent materials that vary widely in composition. In the relatively young soils over much of the UK, the parent material remains the dominant factor in determining the soil copper status.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN643): Weed Management in Grassland
This technical note describes the most important weeds of grassland and their management. It is designed to be of value to low and high conventional input grassland systems, as well as potentially to organic systems.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN685): Sulphur Recommendations for Crops
This technical note examines the use of sulphur (S) for crops, and outlines sulphur deficiency, recommendations for use and availability of nutrients in organic fertilisers.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN691): Plants and Planting Methods
Forest nurseries offer a wide range of plants that can vary considerably in terms of size, provenance, age and method of production. There is also a variety of techniques you can use for tree planting and ground preparation.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN695): Pruning to Improve Timber Quality
The Scottish Forestry Strategy lists improving timber quality as a priority for action because “high quality timber is more likely to meet future markets and is also more likely to find a permanent use thereby assisting carbon sequestration”.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN710): Soil Analysis in the West Highlands and Islands
This technical note examines the analysis of the wide range of soils found in the West Highlands and Islands.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN723): Pest Management Post Neonicotinoids
This technical note outlines the impact of the loss of all bar one of the neonicotinoid insecticides.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN720): Assessment for Agricultural Drainage Requirement
This technical note examines drainage on agricultural land including the benefits, assessing for drainage, topography and possible issues.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN725): Integrated Pest Management
This technical note provides an overview of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) including its benefits and what it means in practice.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN727): Winter Oilseed Rape – Integrated Weed Management
This technical note examines pre-emergence, post-emergence and post-harvest of weeds for oilseed rape and how to effectively control these using herbicides.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN728): Planning Agricultural Field Drainage
Agricultural drainage needs to be designed to suit the climate, ground conditions and crops to be grown. This technical note covers drainage taking into account areas, climate and topography.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN735): Biofumigation to Suppress Pests, Weeds and Diseases
Biofumigation is the suppression of soil-borne pests and pathogens by compounds emitted from brassica green manure crops macerated and incorporated into the soil.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN739): Use of a Sward Lifter to Improve Grassland Soil Compaction
This technical note examines how sward lifters can help with soil compaction on grassland, including soil structure, operation and improvements in soil and yield.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN753): Management of Inputs of Heavy Metals to Agricultural Soils and Crops
This technical note examines the permissible concentration of heavy metals in soils, crops and organic fertilisers.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN757): Management of Manganese in Soils for Arable Crops
This technical note outlines how to manage manganese (Mn) deficiency for arable crops.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN731): Nitrogen Recommendations for Cereals, Oilseed Rape and Potatoes (November 2022)
This technical note is the latest overview of the recommended nitrogen applications for cereals, oilseed rape and potatoes.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN762): Grain Analysis for Cereals
This guidance covers collecting grain samples, interpreting grain results, and how this analysis can help improve nutrient management in the field.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN633): Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur and Magnesium Recommendations for Cereals, Oilseed Rape and Potatoes
Good soil management is required to optimise nutrient use and maximise arable productivity. This technical note covers soil analysis and nutrient recommendations.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN766): Soil Classification and Mapping
This technical note examines how soils can be classified, described and mapped, and how web-based tools can help with this.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN631): Potato Tuber Pests
This technical note examines the variety of pests found on potato roots and tubers. It takes a closer look at PCN, wireworm, slugs and symphylids.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN492): Aphid Vectored Virus Disease in Potato Crops
This technical note examines how aphids carry viruses and the threat to potato crops. and how to effectively manage the viruses.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN769): Recommended Grass and Clover Varieties 2024 -2025
This is the 2024/2025 list of grass and clover varieties recommended to grow in Scotland.
DownloadAnimal Health & Welfare
Technical Note (TN666): Alternative Watering for Field Grazed Livestock II – Pumping Systems
This technical note looks at the use of three alternative watering systems, based on findings from Scottish Government funded trial work on three farms in Scotland.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN665): Alternative Watering for Field Grazed Livestock I – Abstraction Systems
This technical note presents two different abstraction point designs to supply an alternative watering system, based on findings from Scottish Government funded trial work on three farms in Scotland.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN669): Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (OPA)
Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA also known as Jaagsieke) is a contagious viral disease that leads to lung cancer of sheep. It is caused by Jaagsieke sheep retrovirus (JSRV). It is a significant production limiting disease in many countries of the world including the UK. All breeds are susceptible to OPA and no single breed has been shown to be more susceptible than another.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN674): Cross Compliance Inspection Process
A Cross Compliance inspection checks that you are meeting the rules relating to Statutory Management Requirements and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN676): Why Tag and Record Sheep?
If direct subsidies are claimed (Basic Payment Scheme, LFASS, Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme, Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme, Beef Efficiency Scheme and some SRDP options), adhering to Cross Compliance and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) is
Technical Note (TN677): Treatment and Control of Liver Fluke in Sheep and Cattle
This updated technical note provides the most recent knowledge and advice on managing liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) in sheep and cattle.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN681): Nutritional Management of Artificially Reared Calves
The early nutritional management of new born calves has a major impact on health and survival. Mortality and disease in artificially reared calves reduces profitability, efficiency and has a negative impact on animal welfare.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN689) Cattle Housing and Ventilation
To ensure that good health and maximum performance is obtained from housed livestock the provision of effective ventilation is crucial. This guide outlines the design and ventilation in housing for cattle.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN694): Alternative Forages for Sheep – Fodder Beet
This technical note examines the growth of fodder beet for sheep, including its nutritional benefits and sheep management when grazing this forage crop.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN702): Body Condition Scoring of Mature Sheep
Body Condition scoring (BCS) of sheep is a quick and simple management tool to assess the body reserves of sheep throughout the year.
This technical note provides a guidance on carrying out BCS, and the best time to do it.
Technical Note (TN713): Flock Biosecurity for Sheep
Biosecurity is paramount for control of infectious diseases. This technical note outlines the importance of biosecurity and what measures to take for your flock.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN730): Construction of a Cow Track for Access to Grazing
Cow tracks can lengthen the grazing season from reduced damage to pasture and improved field access in poor weather. Correctly constructed cow tracks can prevent lameness within the herd and increase milk quality from improved udder hygiene. This Technical Note looks at how to plan and construct and maintain a cow track to access grazing.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN733): Forage Crops for Livestock
This technical note is a good introduction for growing forage crops for livestock, covering types, establishment, soil and nutrient management and weed and pest control.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN747): Recording Lambing Traits
This technical note examines lambing traits including lambing ease, lamb vigour, lamb birth weight and ewe maternal ability, which all have a significant influence on lamb survival.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN744): Management of Replacement Heifers Into The Suckler Herd
This technical note offers guidance on heifer management including first calving, nutrition and breeding management.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN745): Metabolic Profiling In The Suckler Herd
This technical note outlines the benefits of metabolic profiling when assessing herd nutrition and health.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN746): Management of Nutrition Around Calving in the Suckler Herd
Nutrition and body condition of the suckler cow has a very important role to play in calving. This technical note provides guidance on body condition score, feed management and mineral supplementation.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN743): Johne’s Disease In Cattle
Johne’s disease is an infectious wasting condition of cattle and other ruminants. This technical note outlines how to identify Johne’s disease in both dairy and beef herds and what steps to take to control it.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN749): Treatments To Grain For Feeding Ruminants
This technical note outlines the options for preserving early harvested and conventionally harvested cereal crops to be used for feeding ruminants
DownloadTechnical Note (TN748): Strategic Silage Production for Sheep Systems
This technical note provides guidance on producing high quality silage and feed allocation for sheep systems.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN755): Using Estimated Breeding Values In Sheep
It is important to select rams and ewes with the best genetic potential to help drive and productivity and profitability. Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) is one way to do this, and this technical note examines how they can be used.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN761): Fodder Beet for Beef Systems
This technical note covers the benefits of feeding fodder beet to beef cattle and how to allocate this feed effectively.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN767): Management and Selection of Rams for Efficiency
This guide aims to aid ram management decisions including feeding management, condition scoring, selection of both maternal and terminal rams, pre-buying considerations, sale day and health.
Technical Note (TN680): Hydropower (small-scale)
This technical note is an overview of using hydropower on a small scale, including types, drawing from water resources, funding and carbon savings.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN698): Anaerobic Digestion (AD) – Farm Scale
This technical note looks at anaerobic digestion (AD) and how this process can be used to create biogas and fertiliser. It looks at the technology, process and products of AD
DownloadTechnical Note (TN704): Energy Storage and Demand Management
This technical note outlines efficient ways of managing energy storage and demand.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN703): Heat Pumps
This technical note looks at the technology of heat pumps and how they can be used to make savings in energy. It examines the types, performance and different heat sources.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN706): RHI Sustainability – Becoming Biomass Suppliers List (BSL)
2023 Update – Please note the RHI scheme is closed to new applicants. This technical note has been archived but may remain relevant to those wanting to supply fuel to existing RHI systems.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN707): RHI Sustainability – Bio Combustion
2023 Update – Please note that the RHI scheme is closed to new applicants. This Technical Note has been archived but may remain relevant for an existing RHI system looking to change fuels.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN708): RHI Sustainability – Biogas Combustion
Updated 2023 – The RHI scheme is closed to new applicants. This Technical Note has been archived.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN709): RHI Sustainability – Non-Woody Biomass
This technical note is aimed at those RHI installations directly burning non-woody biomass such as straw, Miscanthus, palm kernel pellets etc.
DownloadConservation & Biodiversity
Technical Note (TN688): Management and Conservation for Farmland Waders
Five wading bird species are among the highest wildlife conservation priorities on Scottish farmland. This technical note details each of these species, including their decline and how you can manage land to help protect them.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN686): Conservation Grazing for Semi-Natural Habitats
Grazing is an important process in maintaining semi-natural grasslands, wetlands and heathlands of conservation interest. This technical note provides guidance on developing grazing plans for a range of habitats in Scotland.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN690): Protecting Young Woodlands from Vole Damage
For many years grant schemes have encouraged farmers to create new woodlands using broadleaved species. Woodlands on agricultural land have to face a variety of problems especially weed competition and animal damage. Successfully establishing a young woodland requires careful attention to design detail and several years of maintenance. Unfortunately many woodlands do not receive the attention they require and high levels of tree mortality occur. In some cases the owners have had to repay grants to the Forestry Commission.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN712): Land Management for Butterflies
This technical note provides guidance on best practice land management to support and encourage butterflies and their habitats.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN697): Invasive Plant Species
Invasive species can adversely affects habitats and threaten biodiversity. This technical note examines how to identify and control Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed and Skunk Cabbage.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN705): Management of Wetlands for Wildlife
Wetlands are a valuable habitat providing a wide range of environmental functions. This technical note examines how you can manage wetlands on your land to support habitats for various species.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN711): Management of Black Grouse
Black grouse are currently a red-listed species of high conservation concern. This technical note provides guidance on best practice land management to support and encourage black grouse and their habitats.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN687): Managing Arable Farmland for Biodiversity
This technical note examines how arable farmers can manage biodiversity on their land. It examines margins, beetle banks, wild bird seed over, pollinators and commercial crop management.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN722): Identification of Moorland Habitats
The habitats which make up a moorland include grasslands, heaths, and mires depending on the dominant vegetation of grass, heather or mosses. This technical note is a guide on how to identify these habitats.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN700): Bumblebees and the Importance of Pollination
This technical note explains the importance of bumblebees, their requirements and how farmers can help support bees
DownloadTechnical Note (TN721): Soil Biodiversity and Soil Health
This technical note examines soil biodiversity and soil health, and the steps you can take to improve both health and biodiversity in soils.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN724): Minimising Plastic Waste on Farms
This technical note seeks to provide advice to farmers and crofters to help minimise the production of waste plastic on farm.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN738): Hedges – Carbon, Conservation & Compliance
This technical note provides an overview of the use of hedges including the benefits they can bring, establishment and management.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN742): Predator Management for Wildlife Conservation
Predator control is a long-established part of rural land management in Scotland, primarily for the protection of game and livestock. This technical note examines effective planning of predator control.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN763): Five Actions for Nature
This technical note helps identify five practical steps any farmer can take to farm in a more nature-positive way with benefits both to production and wider society.
DownloadTechnical Note (TN764): Common Habitats Identification
This technical note provides guidance on how to identify different habitats including the species that live within them.
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